The Bench Room is where you will find our five massive Roubo style workbenches as well as our hand tools and sharpening station. This is room is half of the reason that we are Ottawa's largest community woodshop. Our massive, hand made 8 foot Roubo workbenches are capable of holding anything that you can throw at them. They are all equipped with Veritas Inset vises and heavy duty leg vises. They also feature holdfasts, bench hooks and other accessories that you will need to hold your work securely. As an Ottawa woodworker you will really appreciate the extra space we provide.
We have a wide variety of new and vintage hand tools from premier makers like Lee Valley, Veritas, Stanley, Irwin, Starrett and Bessey just to name a few. The list is too long to itemize completely but you will find the following tools and more:
Hand planes, saws, chisels, hammers, mallets, squares, bevel gauges, rulers, straightedges, rasps, files, scrapers, hand drills, braces, bits, etc.